sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

Giorgos Rorris

Giorgos Rorris nació en Kosmas, Arcadia Kinourias (Gracia) en 1963.
Estudió pintura en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Atenas (1982 - 1987) bajo la tutela de P. Tetsis e Y. Valavanidis. Continuó sus estudios en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts) en París (1988 1991) con L. Cremonini con becas de la Fundación Vassilis y Eliza Goulandris y la Fundación Bakalas Bros.
Colaboró con el Centro de las Artes y las Letras (1996 - 2002) "Apopsi" y ha estado enseñando pintura en la "Simion" Grupo de Arte desde 2002.
En 2001 fue honrado por la Academia de Atenas, con el premio "Joven Pintor de menos de 40 años".
En 2006 fue honrado por la Fundación "Alexandros S. Onassis" por su labor artística.
Nota: La propiedad intelectual de las imágenes que aparecen en este blog corresponde a sus autores y a quienes éstos las hayan cedido. El único objetivo de este sitio es divulgar el conocimiento de estos pintores, a los que admiro, y que otras personas disfruten contemplando sus obras.

4 comentarios:

  1. En conjunto su estética-estilo no me gusta.

  2. Hola!!!!
    Acabo de descubrir tus obras, son excelentes!!!!!!

  3. Excelente trabajo!!me parecen formidables!!

  4. Rorris captures light and shade like a baroque master. When I look at his work I feel a sense of near-total immersion. I can feel the sticky heat of an Mediterranean summer night, smell the corporeal odours of flesh and dampened stone. The consistency with which he records the organic and inanimate elements is astounding, there is no hierarchy of subject matter. He paints the corner of a room with similar intensity as if he were painting all or parts of the human body. The results make these works ooze sensuality without overly relying on the usual visual triggers. Rorris can make a crumpled bed sheet appear like we're witness to the aftermath of a forbidden tryst. The rooms that these bodies inhabit are almost womb-like, his use of perspective draws the viewer in to an intimate setting, the figures often dwarfed by the scale of the rooms. A rare achievement is in his treatment of the nude female figure, a problematic subject in these overly-mediated times. They are empowered figures, not mere staffage or decoration, he intimates this by emphasising the medium (oil paint) over the subject, exchanging detail for sensation. The result of this exchange is that I am both viewer and voyeur when I look at these works (and I have only ever seen them online). Rorris's key achievement is not just in how he addresses the subject matter, he is also a master of atmosphere, the shadows of his living subjects have metaphysical qualities in that they seem to want to posess the source of their existance. Darkness to light to darkness to light ad infinitum.
    I intend to travel to see these works in the flesh when the next opportunity arises.
    Painting is alive and breathing thanks to a living master, George Rorris.


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