martes, 18 de julio de 2017

Rita Cavallari

Nacida en Roma, Italia. Pintora autodidacta. Comenzó a trabajar como diseñadora de moda free-lance para Valentino, Armani, etc. En 1990 viene a Brasil y alentada por su esposo Romano Di Martino, comienza su propia carrera artística. Participa de varios salones en Campinas, Piracicaba, Nova Odessa, Sumaré y Americana.
Nota: La propiedad intelectual de las imágenes que aparecen en este blog corresponde a sus autores y a quienes éstos las hayan cedido. El único objetivo de este sitio es divulgar el conocimiento de estos pintores, a los que admiro, y que otras personas disfruten contemplando sus obras.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi , Ania here. I am Polish / living in England. I make Tyffany Style glass Angels Glass Magic. Any way I went today to buy some glass and got swept of my feet . I never hear about you, but I saw one of the artists working there got inspired by one of your paintingsand made beautiful stained glass window ( I looked you up andI think you are fantastic ! ) . You would love it ! He is very modest but very talented . I said to him that he should contact you and show you his work as it is such a complement to your art. He thought you would not be happy with it ....( I do hope You are Bgood Sport and would apriciat it ! ) I cant post the photo here but try to get you on FB


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